Thaleia Dimitra Doudali

thaleia.doudali [at]
LinkedIn | Twitter | Github
Google Scholar | DBLP | ORCID

I am a tenure-track faculty (Assistant Professor) at IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain.

During Summer 2022 I was a visiting researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" in Athens, Greece.

I earned my PhD from the School of Computer Science in College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), advised by Ada Gavrilovska. At Georgia Tech, my research introduced system-level support for the resource management of extremely heterogeneous hardware. In particular, my dissertation adds machine intelligence to hybrid memory management. This graduation profile featured in GT Computing news and the Daily Digest nicely summarizes my academic journey.

During my PhD, I have interned at DellEMC in Santa Clara (CA, USA), VMWare in Palo Alto (CA, USA) and AMD Research in Bellevue (WA, USA), where part of my work has been patented.

Prior to PhD, I received an undegraduate Diploma in ECE, majoring in Computer Science, from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens in Greece.

In 2020, I was selected as a Rising Star in EECS. Link GT News

In 2021, I received the 'Juan de la Cierva' award grant. IMDEA News

In 2024, I received the 'César Nombela' award grant.

The Muse Lab

I lead the Muse research lab, where we are working at the intersection of Operating Systems, Machine Learning and Computer Vision (SysMLCV).
Check out our GitHub papge.

[Systems for Machine Learning]
Build systems software that improves the training and inference performance and efficiency of machine learning applications, such as Large Language Models.

[Machine Learning for Systems]
Integrate machine learning methods into the operation of resource management systems, to improve resource and energy efficiency, sustainability and carbon footprint of data centers.

[Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Systems]
Explore novel methods that mix machine learning and computer vision to improve resource management systems.

Current Students

Georgia Christofidi - PhD

Member of the artifact evaluation committees at OSDI 2024, ATC 2024, ASPLOS 2024, EuroSys 2024, MLSys 2023, EuroSys 2023.

Georgia is pursuing a summer 2024 internship at Telefonica Research in Barcelona, Spain.

Konstantinos Papaioannou - PhD

Member of the artifact evaluation committees at OSDI 2024, ATC 2024, ASPLOS 2024, EuroSys 2024, MLSys 2023, EuroSys 2023, SOSP 2023.

Konstantinos won a Distinguished Artifact Evaluator Award at EuroSys 2023 and EuroSys 2024! Link IMDEA News

Giannis Roumpos - PhD

Panagiotis Pennas - Intern

Giannis Dalianis - Intern

Past Students

Razine Ghorab - Intern

Member of the artifact evaluation committee at EuroSys 2024.
[Paper at AI4Sys] Toward Using Representation Learning for Cloud Resource Usage Forecasting.

Javier Galindos - Intern (Masters Thesis, UPM)

[Thesis] Forecasting Cloud Resource Utilization using Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Thesis
[Poster at SOCC 2022] Toward Cloud Resource Forecasting Using an Image-based Machine Learning Pipeline. Poster

Aristotle Sibetheros - Intern (Masters Thesis, NTUA)

[Thesis] Learning Memory Access Patterns Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Thesis

Javier and Aristotelis won the 2nd and 3rd place at the 2022 IMDEA Poster Competition. Link


AI4Sys 2024

Toward Using Representation Learning for Cloud Resource Usage Forecasting.
Razine Moundir Ghorab and Thaleia Dimitra Doudali.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on AI for Systems (AI4Sys ’24).
In conjuction with the 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC ’24).
ACM Link | GitHub | Slides

EuroMLSys 2024

The Importance of Workload Choice in Evaluating LLM Inference Systems.
Konstantinos Papaioannou and Thaleia Dimitra Doudali.
In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems (EuroMLSys ’24).
In conjuction with the 2024 European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys ’24).
ACM Link | GitHub | Slides | Poster

EuroMLSys 2024

Do Predictors for Resource Overcommitment Even Predict?
Georgia Christofidi and Thaleia Dimitra Doudali.
In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems (EuroMLSys ’24).
In conjuction with the 2024 European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys ’24).
ACM Link | GitHub | Poster

SoCC 2023

Is Machine Learning Necessary for Cloud Resource Usage Forecasting?
Georgia Christofidi, Konstantinos Papaioannou, and Thaleia Dimitra Doudali.
In Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of Cloud Computing (SoCC 2023).
ACM Link | Slides | Poster | GitHub IMDEA News Podcast Episode
Reference in blog posts of ACM SIGOPS and SIGARCH

Thank you to the Disseminate: The Computer Science Research Podcast for featuring our paper.

EuroMLSys 2023

Toward Pattern-based Model Selection for Cloud Resource Forecasting.
Georgia Christofidi, Konstantinos Papaioannou, and Thaleia Dimitra Doudali.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems (EuroMLSys ’23).
In conjuction with the 2023 European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys ’23).
ACM Link | Poster | GitHub


Cronus: Computer Vision-based Machine Intelligent Hybrid Memory Management.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2022).
ACM Link | Slides | GitHub

CCGrid 2022

Coeus: Clustering (A)like Patterns for Practical Machine Intelligent Hybrid Memory Management.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid 2022).
IEEE Link | Slides | GitHub

PhD Dissertation 2021

Adding Machine Intelligence to Hybrid Memory Management.
Author: Thaleia Dimitra Doudali. Advisor: Ada Gavrilovska. University: Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, USA.
Download Link | Poster at the Doctoral Showcase of HPDC 2021 | Poster at the Doctoral Showcase of SC 2020


Toward Computer Vision-based Machine Intelligent Hybrid Memory Management.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 2021 International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2021).
ACM Link

IPDPS 2021

Cori: Dancing to the Right Beat of Periodic Data Movements over Hybrid Memory Systems.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Daniel Zahka, Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2021).
IEEE Link | arXiv Version | Slides | GitHub


The Case for Optimizing the Frequency of Periodic Data Movements over Hybrid Memory Systems.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Daniel Zahka, Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 2020 International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2020).
ACM Link | Slides

CAL 2020

Unexpected Performance of Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory.
Tony Mason, Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Margo Seltzer, Ada Gavrilovska.
In IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, vol.19, no.1, pp.55-58, 1 Jan.-June 2020.

HPDC 2019

Kleio: a Hybrid Memory Page Scheduler with Machine Intelligence.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Sergey Blagodurov, Abhinav Vishnu, Sudhanva Gurumurthi and Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2019).
Best Paper Award Finalist. Best PhD Forum Poster with Research Paper Award.
ACM Link | Slides | Poster at EuroSys 2019 | GT News

HPBDC 2019

Mnemo: Boosting Memory Cost Efficiency in Hybrid Memory Systems.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali and Ada Gavrilovska.
In proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Big Data, Deep Learning, and Cloud Computing (HPBDC 2019). In conjunction with The 33rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2019).
IEEE Link | Slides | Poster at SoCC 2018 | GitHub


CoMerge: Toward Efficient Data Placement in Shared Heterogeneous Memory Systems.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali and Ada Gavrilovska.
In Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS 2017).
ACM Link | Slides | Poster | GitHub

Big Data 2017

Spaten: a Spatio-temporal and Textual Big Data Generator.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Ioannis Konstantinou, Nectarios Koziris.
In proceedings of the 2017 Big Spatial Data Workshop (BSD 2017 in conjuction with IEEE BigData 2017).
IEEE Link | Slides | GitHub

Undergraduate Thesis 2015

Performance evaluation of social networking services using a spatio-temporal and textual Big Data generator.
Author: Thaleia Dimitra Doudali. Advisor: Nectarios Koziris. University: National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
English Version | Slides


Program Committees:


- EuroSys 2025, ASPLOS 2025 (ERC).


- EuroSys 2024, ASPLOS 2024 (ERC), SoCC 2024.

- EuroMLSys workshop of EuroSys 2024.

- AIOps workshop of ASPLOS 2024.

- HMEM workshop of Cluster 2024.

- RESDIS and MEMO workshops of SC 2024.


- EuroSys 2023, ASPLOS 2023, ATC 2023, SoCC 2023.

- PC Chair of the COMPSYS workshop, co-located with IPDPS 2023.

- EuroDW and EuroMLSys workshops of EuroSys 2023.

- AI4SYS workshop of HPDC 2023.

- PhD Symposium of EuroPar 2023.

- HMEM workshop of SC 2023.


- PC Chair of the COMPSYS workshop, co-located with IPDPS 2022.

- Selection committee for the 2022 EuroSys Needham dissertation award.

- SPMA and EuroSysML workshops, co-located with EuroSys 2022.

- MLArchSys workshop, co-located with ISCA 2022.

- PhD Symposium of EuroPar 2022.


- Shadow PC of EuroSys 2020.

External Reviewing for Journals:

- IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC).

- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC).

- ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO).

- Springer Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB).

- Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA).

Conference Organization:


- Artifact Evaluation co-chair at EuroSys 2025.


- Diversity and Inclusion co-chair at EuroSys 2024.

- Organizer of the HCDS workshop, co-located with ASPLOS 2024.

- Posters and Demos co-chair at Euro-Par 2024.

- Posters and Demos co-chair at IC2E 2024.


- Publicity chair for IC2E 2023.

- Organizer of the COMPSYS workshop, co-located with IPDPS 2023.

- Session Chair for EuroSys 2023, SoCC 2023.


- Publicity chair for IC2E 2022.

- Social media chair for HPDC 2022.

- Session co-chair for DATE 2022.


- Session co-chair for an Ask Me Anything session at EuroSys 2021.

Thesis Committees:

Dr. Felippe Vieira Zacarias.
Job Scheduling for Disaggregated Memory in High Performance Computing Systems.
At the Department of Computer Architecture at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). Fall 2023.

Dr. Alejandro Josué Calderón Torres.
Real-Time High-Performance Computing for Embedded Control System.
At the Department of Computer Architecture at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). Summer 2022.

I have also been invited to participate at the following Dagstuhl Seminars:

2025: Disruptive Memory Technologies. Link

2024: Resource-Efficient Machine Learning. Link

2023: Driving HPC Operations With Holistic Monitoring and Operational Data Analytics. Link

Conference Attendance:

I am thankful for all the travel grant awards I have received to attend OSDI 2021, ATC 2021, OSDI 2020, ATC 2020, TCPP award for IPDPS 2019, SoCC 2018, ATC 2017, OSDI 2016.

2024: ISCA, HPDC, EuroSys.

2023: SoCC, EuroSys, IPDPS.

2022: SoCC, PASC, IPDPS, ASPLOS, DATE, EuroSys, CCGrid.

2021: HPDC, OSDI, ATC, EuroSys, SC.

2020: SC, Rising Stars in EECS, OSDI, ATC, HPDC, EuroSys.

2019: HPDC, IPDPS, EuroSys.

2018: SoCC, Salishan.

2017: Big Data, MEMSYS, ATC, VMWare Radio, CRA-W Grad Cohort.

2016: OSDI.

2015: ASPLOS.


Summer 2024

Tutorial: Introduction to High Performance Computing.
Together with Marta Garcia-Gasulla (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Sara Royuela (Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Elisabeth Ortega-Carrasco (HPCNow!). Part of the activities of the MAR Chapter of Women in HPC. At the 2024 ACM WomENcourage conference. June. Madrid, Spain. Link

Spring 2023

MLArchSys Seminar Series.
At the MUSS and EMSE Master Programs and the DSSC Doctoral Program of the School of Computer Science at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Seminar 1: Introduction to Maching Learning for Computer Architecture and Systems. Slides Paper

Seminar 2: Maching Learning for Cache Prefetching. Slides Paper

Seminar 3: Maching Learning for Hybrid Memory Management. Slides Paper


Course on Academic Leadership.
Academic Leadership Development Course: Leading People in Academia. Offered online by Informatics Europe. Spring 2023. Link

Course on University Teaching.
Course in teaching and learning in tertiary education, designed by staff at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. Offered online by Coursera. Spring 2021. Link


AI4Sys 2024

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Using Machine Learning in System-level Resource Management.
- Keynote talk at the AI for Systems (AI4Sys) workshop collocated with HPDC 2024 in Pisa, Italy. June 2024. Link
- Invited talk at the Archimedes unit of the Athena Research Center, Athens, Greece. June 2024. Link

ESwML 2024

Is Machine Learning Necessary to Use in Cloud Resource Management? Slides
- Invited talk at the Empowering Software through Machine Learning (ESwML) workshop collocated with Eurosys 2024 in Athens, Greece. April 2024. Link


Practical and Unconventional Use of Machine Learning in System-level Resource Management.
- Invited talk at the 1st workshop of the MAR Chapter of Women in HPC, hosted at BSC, Barcelona, Spain, October 2023. Link
- Invited talk at Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain, June 2023.


Best Practices on the Practical Use of Machine Learning in Hybrid Memory Management.
- Invited talk at the 23171 Dagstuhl Seminar on "Driving HPC Operations With Holistic Monitoring and Operational Data Analytics", Germany, April 2023. Link

Univ. of Nicosia
IMDEA Networks
IBM Research
PASC 2022
NCSR Demokritos
IMDEA Software

Building Smart and Fast Systems Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Slides
- Invited talk at the Seminar Series of the CS Department at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. March 2023.
- Invited talk at the Master Universitario en Vision Artificial, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), Madrid, Spain. Feb. 2023. Link
- Invited talk at IMDEA Networks, Madrid, Spain. December 2022. Link
- Invited talk at the Systems Seminar at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA. November 2022. Link
- Invited talk at IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland. June 2022.
- Invited talk at the minisymposium of the Swiss chapter of Women in HPC at PASC 2022 in Basel, Switzerland. June 2022. Link
- Invited talk at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications at NCSR Demokritos in Athens, Greece. June 2022.
- Invited talk at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain. June 2022. Flyer
- Invited talk at Huawei Research Center in Zurich, Switzerland. May 2022. Flyer
- Invited talk at the Conferencias de Posgrado at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain. November 2021. Link
- Talk at the Software Seminar Series (S3) at IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain. October 2021. Video


A picture is worth a 1000.. features!
Using Computer Vision alongside Machine Learning in Computer Systems.
Slides Paper Video
- Selected talk at the Wild and Crazy Ideas (WACI) session in ASPLOS 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2022.

HMEM 2022
DCC 2021
Illinois Tech
IMDEA Software

Adding Machine Learning to the Management of Heterogeneous Resources. Slides
- Invited talk at the 3rd Workshop on Heterogeneous Memory Systems (HMEM 2022) co-located with ICS 2022. Agenda
- Invited talk at the International Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC) 2021. June 2021. Online. Link
- Invited talk at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. April 2021.
- Invited talk at IMDEA Software Institute, Madrid, Spain. March 2021.

HPDC 2019
UC Louvain

Kleio: a Hybrid Memory Page Scheduler with Machine Intelligence. Slides
- Invited talk at the Grascomp/EuroSys Shadow PC joint workshop at UC Louvain, Belgium. February 2020.
- Invited talk at the 5th Computing Systems Research Day at NTUA, Athens, Greece. January 2020.
- Conference talk at the 28th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Phoenix, AZ, USA, June 2019.

Diversity and Mentoring

I am passionate about mentoring and taking actions to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in academia, working towards bridging the gender gap in STEM.
I am one of the appointed ombuds for the staff members of the IMDEA Software Institute.
I am a member of the organization team of Greek Women in STEM. I am also a mentor in the mentorship prοgram. Don't hesitate to reach out to me!
I am a member of the organization team of the MAR chapter of Women in HPC (High Performance Computing).

She STEMs 2024

Organizer of the ‘She STEMs’ 2024 Symposium. Link
Organized by the NGO Greek Women in STEM, 14-15 September 2024 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

ISCA 2024

Panelist and Mentoring at ISCA 2024. Link
Invited panelist at the "Life After Grad School" discussion at the 6th Undergrad Architecture Mentoring (uArch) workshop at ISCA 2024. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

EuroSys 2024

Diversity and Inclusion activities at EuroSys 2024. Link
Organized a speed mentoring event during the conference lunch and a get-together during the welcome reception.

Grad SWE

Speaker at the "Women in Engineering" Series. Flyer
Organized by the Graduate Society of Women Engineers at the Washington State University. March 2024.

GEC 2023

Invited Panelist on "Career Pathways in Computing". Link
At the 5th Summit on Gender Equality in Computing, in Athens, Greece. June 2023.

IPDPS 2023
PhD Forum

Invited Panelist on "Research and career planning (academia, research labs, industry)". Link
At the PhD Forum of IPDPS 2023. St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. May 2023.

Doctoral Workshop
EuroSys 2023

Invited Panelist on "PhD: Past, Present, Future". Link
At the Doctoral Workshop of EuroSys 2023. Rome, Italy. May 2023.


Helped organize activities to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Link
Together with female students of IMDEA Software Institute. Madrid, Spain. February 2023.

SheSTEMs 2022

Speaker at the 2nd International Symposium of Greek Women Scientists, organized by Greek Women in STEM. Link
Selected to deliver a mentoring talk at the technology session of the SheSTEMs symposium. Athens, Greece. December 2022.

SC 2022

Panelist on how to get the most out of mentorship. Link
Online panel discussion organized for the Students at SC and Early Career Program at the Supercomputing (SC) 2022 conference.

May 2022

How to ride the research roller coaster: Effective Presentation Skills. Slides Video IMDEA News
Seminar on how to give engaging presentations, including practical tips and tricks on creating slides, structuring a talk and being confident presenting and answering questions.


Mentor at the mentoring program organized by the Computer-Architecture Student Association (CASA).

Feb 2022

Discussion with female researchers: why to consider a career in research. Link | Video
Organized and lead the panel discussion to celebrate the 2022 international day of women and girls in science.

Dec 2021

Interview on current research agenda and inclusion efforts in academia. Link | Video

Dec 2021

Mentor at the Speed Mentoring event. Link
Hosted by the ACM-W chapter of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Greek Girls Code
Nov 2021

Interview on how to bridge the gender gap in STEM. Link

Nov 2021

How to ride the research roller coaster: Managing emotional challenges. Slides
Mentoring talk on how to deal with common challenges of working in research.

Nov 2021

Interview on my academic job experience for the GAP Interview Series. Video
Hosted by Manuel Rigger.

April 2021

Panelist in an info session on how to apply to PhD programs. Link | Video
Hosted by UC San Diego Computer Science.

Georgia Tech
April 2020

The Four Life Quotes that Shaped my PhD Journey. Link | Slides
At "Illuminate Tech", an inspirational talk series organized by the Graduate Student Association at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA.

Georgia Tech

Executive board member of the Georgia Tech SCS Graduate Student Association.

Georgia Tech

Executive board member of the Hellenic Society at Georgia Tech.


Executive board member of the IEEE NTUA Student Branch.



Techniques for Container Scheduling in a Virtual Environment.
Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Zhelong Pan, Pranshu Jain.
VMware, Inc. (Palo Alto, CA, USA). Publication date: Sep 21, 2021. Publication number: 20200019426.


Multi-instance Recurrent Neural Network Prediction.
Sergey Blagodurov, Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Amin Farmahini Farahani.
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA, USA). Publication Date: Jun 18, 2020. Publication number: 20200193268.


Computer Resource Scheduling Using Generative Adversarial Networks.
Sergey Blagodurov, Abhinav Vishnu, Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Jagadish B. Kotra.
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA, USA). Publication date: Dec 3, 2020. Publication number: 20200379814.